This site is dedicated to . On this small island you can forget the hectic pace and stress of daily life, and once there you may even forget what day it is. Enchanting vistas catch your eye - and if you have your camera along, all you need to do is press the trigger: the pictures are instant postcards. Some of the photos I took on my second trip to Jurmo (2001) can be seen here. All pictures were taken as-is, no staging took place, just natural compositions which you can see for yourself on visiting Jurmo. Please understand that the previews just show some excerpt of the full picture. Click the previews to see the complete composition.

(the latin name for Jurmo) belongs to the Finnish islands (a.k.a. the Archipelago) within the triangle bounded by the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea. Located at 59° 49'6'' North and 21° 35'2'' East it remains, along with Utö, an inhabited outpost in the Finnish Skone area and looking, along with Åland, towards the South of Sweden.Karte / map

There are many ways to get to the island: by yacht, sailing or motorized, or even riding a sea-kayak can bring you to Jurmo. But the most comfortable option might be taking the M/S Eivor, a passenger ferry which you may board either in Turku (Åbo) or Pernäs.

The M/S Eivor:
M/S Eivor

Heading for Jurmo with the M/S Aspö ...
Die Schiffsglocke der Aspö / The ships' bell of the Aspö

Zum Vergrößern anklicken / click to magnify

urmo, a not-so-small island in the outer Finnish Skone, measures about 7 km x 1.5 km in a slightly extended shape. Only at one place are a few houses and cabins built - the village - just a few hundred yards from the island's small harbour.

Unlike many other islands of the Southwestern Archipelago - Swedish as well as the Finnish - Jurmo is not just a rounded boulder, but a fragment of territorial moraine left behind by glaciers of the last ice age. This difference extends to an exceptionally diverse array of flora and fauna, some of which may be seen in the following sample pictures.

Wo rohe Kräfte walten... / Brute forces
Warped stone

A pebble bed
Kiesel / Pebbles    

Lichens, grass, raspberries and blueberries are found almost everywhere around the island; even two forests (coniferous and deciduous) are expanding after the last cows were evicted in recent decades. The few remaining sheep seem not to interfere overmuch with the flora.

Himbeeren / Raspberries


Flechte / Lichen Flechte / Lichen

Eine violette Erika / A violett Erica Eine eher ungewöhnliche Weiße Erika / A rather unsusual white Erica
Preiselbeeren / Raspberries


Der alte Baum / The old tree2
The oldest tree on the island


Nadelwald / Conifers


Part of the decidous forrest

Laubwald / Decidous forrest  

Libelle / Dragonfly

Garden spider
Spinne / Spider

A bird's footprint
Vögel / Birds


Möwen / Gulls

A bird's pelvis bone

Schwanenschädel / A swan's skull  

Schmetterling / Butterfly

Last changes
Recent updated Januar 22, 2005
Published October 2002